College of Economics and Management

2014 International Conference on E-commerce and Information Engineering

Please note the information as follows:

2014 International Conference on E-commerce and Information Engineering



We are very gard to invite you to take part in ECIE 2014. It will be held on February 22-23, 2014, Shen Zhen, China.


All accepted papers will be published by DEStech Publications and index by EI and ISTP.

Excellent papers will be recommended to EI and SCI journals.


我们诚挚地邀请您参加2014年电子商务和信息工程国际会议,ECIE 2014将于22223日在中国深圳举办。



所有被录取的文章都将由DEStech Publications出版并被EIISTP检索,优秀文章扩展后推荐至EISCI期刊。


Submission via email投稿邮箱: ecie2014@vip.163.com

Submission due截止日期: December 5, 2013

TEL: +86 15802766401